35th Anniversary
Awaya-Kai Charity Koto Concert
35周年記念 粟屋会筝曲演奏会
Awaya-Kai Charity Koto Concert
35周年記念 粟屋会筝曲演奏会
Saturday, October 23, 2010 at 2:00 P.M.
2010年10月23日 (土) 午後2時開演
Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center
1935 Manhattan Beach Blvd.
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
レドンドビーチ パフォーミング アーツ センター
Yoko Awaya (Kotoist), Awaya-Kai 粟屋陽子/生田流宮城社
Special guest artist from Japan: Senba Kokun (Tsuzumi percussion) 仙波宏薫/鼓
Sakura Chorus with Miyoko Hataye Conductor さくらコーラス/指揮波多江美代子
Bando Hidesomi (Japanese Dance) 坂東秀十美/日本舞踊
Yonamine Keiko Okinawa Dance Group与那嶺恵子/沖縄舞踊グループ
Atsushi Gushi (Taiko) 具志厚/和太鼓
Jim Thompson (Shakuhachi) ジム・トンプソン/尺八
Saeko Kujiraoka (Koto) 鯨岡佐枝子/琴
Katsuko Teruya (Koto) 照屋勝子/琴
Yoshie Teuffel (Flute and Shinobue) ヨシエ・トイフェル/フルート、篠笛
Bill Crowley (Rakugo and Master of Ceremonies) ビル・クラウリー/司会、落語
All Koto and shamisen performers are members of the Yoko Awaya Koto Music Conservatory and are under the direction and instruction of Madame Yoko Awaya. The Conservatory has held numerous annual concerts since 1974, and its members have performed in more than 1,000 engagements throughout California and the United States. This year's annual concert makes its 35th anniversary, with many distinguished artists and performers.
Supported by: 後援
Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Southern California 南加日系商工会議所
Japanese Prefectural Association of Southern California 南加県人会協議会
Japanese Community Pioneer Center 日系パイオニアセンター
Dai Nippon Nokai Nanka Shikai 大日本農会南加支会
Okinawa Association of America, Inc., 北米沖縄県人会
LA Tokyokai LA東京会
Northern California Hyakudokai 北米百働会
Soto Group International, Inc. 創都グループ・インターナショナル
and LA Kimono Club. LA着物クラブ
A portion of the net proceeds from this year's concert will benefit Keiro Senior Healthcare.